Notos Standing Desk, Classicon

Notos standing desk, CLASSICON

Notos is an essential object in a household or office where artistically inclined persons live and work. That is because this unprecedented, multifunctional piece of furniture transforms itself in no time into a standing desk or a note stand or an easel or a mobile table for the slide presentation or for your champagne reception. The top can be tilted at five different angles and the height is infinitely variable between 115 and 135 cm. The young team Kühl & Krob have succeeded in combining function, variability and a clear, timeless aesthetic in a design achievement of remarkable quality.

CHF 1,715.00

1 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 101-00-0014 Kategorie: Schlagwort:

Lieferfrist: 1-3 Werktage



Dienstag – Freitag

14:30 – 18:00

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Rezzoli Designer Furniture

Via Maistra 212

CH-7504 Pontresina

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