Architectmade, Panda small
Architectmade, Panda small
On the occasion of the arrival of two giant pandas, the Copenhagen Zoo asked BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group to create a home for them. The configuration seeks to create ideal mating conditions.
The layout mimics the yin-yang symbol that in Chinese philosophy represents opposite but balanced forces within a circle.
The wooden figure Panda, designed by BIG, is available in two sizes: small and large. The upper body rotates on the lower body and the arms and legs are movable.
Walnut and Maple wood and Leather
Dimensions: 7xh10 cm
CHF 147.00
3 vorrätig
Lieferfrist: 1-3 Werktage
Dienstag – Freitag
14:30 – 18:00
Restliche Zeit auf Termin
Rezzoli Designer Furniture
Via Maistra 212
CH-7504 Pontresina